Important School Information

Below is information for students and parents to be successful throughout the school year.

School Start and End Times

The start and end times for Nova Classical Academy are as follows:

  • K–5: 8:40 am–3:40 pm (earliest drop-off at 8:15 am)
  • 6–12: 8:40 am–3:45 pm (earliest drop-off at 8:15 am)

Nova Classical Academy is not staffed to supervise children before or after the above hours unless they are participating in an approved after-school and/or extracurricular activity. We rely on parents to provide timely transportation for their children and not to expect Nova Classical’s staff to supervise outside of these hours.

To report an absence, please call in to (651) 209-6320 and select option 8.

Click here to submit your child’s absence online.


Regular school attendance is directly related to success in academic work, benefits students socially, provides opportunities for important communications between teachers and students, and establishes regular habits of dependability. For detailed information, see the “Student Attendance Statute” MN 120A.22 Subd. 4 and 6.

Reporting Student Absences

Please contact the school in advance if you know your child will be absent. Student absences must be reported to the school by the start of school on the day of the absence or tardy. Parents may report an absence by calling the school office, or by submitting notification of absence online.

Student Sign-Out Policy

Students must be signed in and out of the school building by a parent or guardian. When a parent, guardian, or other authorized person comes to pick up a student during the instructional day, he or she must come into the school office to sign out the student or to provide a written notice to the school. A student will not be pulled from class for a mid-day sign out until a parent arrives in the school office. Please time appointments and student pick-up accordingly.

Ill-Child Pick Up

The school will make every effort to contact a parent or guardian immediately when a student is sick and needs to go home during the school day. It is expected that when you receive a call regarding an ill child, you will pick him/her up within 60 minutes of being contacted.

Absences: Excused

A student absent from school shall be excused for the following reasons:

  1. Absence because of illness, medical, dental or diagnostic testing appointments.
    The school may require an absence of three (3) consecutive school days or more due to these reasons to be documented in writing by the treating physician, dentist, other health professional.
  2. Absence because of death in the immediate family. Immediate family includes the grandparents of the student and the descendants of a grandparent of the student.
  3. Absence due to attendance or observance of religious holidays. We request written notice of absences due to religious observance in advance of the absence.
  4. Pre-planned college visits for students and families.
  5. Absences because of other circumstances as approved by Administration prior to the absence.

Absences: Unexcused and Truancy

All absences other than those described in the Excused Absences section above are considered unexcused. The consequences for unexcused absences are as follows:

  1. 3 Unexcused Absences:  Nova will send a written notification (attendance alert letter) to the parent and student regarding the school attendance issue with a warning that a failure to improve will result in a referral to the School Attendance Matters program (SAM).
  2. 5 Unexcused Absences:  Nova will send a written notification to the parent and student that a referral has been made to the School Attendance Matters program (SAM).  The parent will be notified by the Ramsey County Attorney’s office of the date and time of the program meeting.  The parents and/or student(s) are required to attend this meeting.
  3. 5-10 Unexcused Absences:  A meeting with the school principal is required to complete an In-School Attendance Contract.
  4. 10+ Unexcused Absences: Nova will notify the parent and student that a referral has been made for a School Attendance Review Team (SART) hearing. The parent will be notified by the Ramsey County Attorney’s Office of the date and time of the hearing.
  5. 15+ Unexcused Absences: Students whose attendance does not improve after the SART hearing may be petitioned to Court.

* The School of Grammar counts absences by the days. – 1 day = 1 day.

* The School of Logic and Rhetoric counts absences by the period. – 7 periods = 1 day.

* Both the Upper and Lower School counts 3 unexcused tardies as 1 unexcused absence.

Please contact the appropriate school office in advance whenever you know your child will be absent; we have dial-in absence phone lines as well as an online absence form on the Nova website. If your child will be absent or tardy, you must notify the school by the start of the day on the day of the absence or tardy. Missed school work due to excused absences must be made up per the section on Make-Up Work.

Health & Wellness

Questions? Please contact the Health Office

24-25 Medication Authorization PacketPreviewDownload
Minnesota Health Care Programs Notification - English SY23PreviewDownload
Minnesota Health Care Programs Notification - Spanish SY23PreviewDownload
Minnesota Health Care Programs Notification - Somali SY23PreviewDownload
Minnesota Health Care Programs Notification - Hmong SY23PreviewDownload
FY23 Physician Form - Grade K/7PreviewDownload

Educational Benefits

Educational Benefits & Menus

February K-12 Breakfast MenuPreviewDownload
February K-8 Lunch MenuPreviewDownload
February 9-12 Lunch MenuPreviewDownload
March Breakfast K-12 MenuPreviewDownload
March 9-12 Lunch MenuPreviewDownload
March K-8 Lunch MenuPreviewDownload
2024-2025 Educational Benefit Packet.pdfPreviewDownload
2024-2025 Meal Program InformationPreviewDownload
DHS Health Insurance Flyer 2024PreviewDownload
Family Lunch Accounts on Infinite CampusPreviewDownload
MDE Local Wellness Policy-Triennial Assessment TemplatePreviewDownload
WellSAT 3.0PreviewDownload

Wellness Policy, policy #533 (under Sections 8-Mandatory Policies)

Questions? Please contact our Food Services Director


Food Service FAQ

Who provides the food for lunches?

CKC Good Food provides our meals.

What meal services do you offer?

Nova Classical offers breakfast and lunch free of charge to all students K-12.

Do you have just one meal selection for students?

All students may choose between the hot main entree or the hot vegetarian entree. Both choices include salad bar and milk.

Can meals be selected “day of”?

All meals are selected “day of.” We do not require meals to be ordered in advance.

What happens if my child forgets their lunchbox?

If your child does not have their lunch from home, they will be instructed to take a school meal.

Can my child purchase milk to drink with their lunch from home?

Yes, a la carte milk is .45. There must be money in your child’s account to purchase milk.

How do I put lunch money in my student’s accounts?

Visit our “Family Lunch Account on Infinite Campus Directions”

If you know you don’t have a Parent Portal account on Infinite Campus, please fill out this form to request one, thank you!

This institution is an equal opportunity provider.

Transportation & Silent Dismissal

Nova Classical provides free bus transportation to all students living within the city of St. Paul (and within the current St. Paul Public School boundary lines), and more than two miles from Nova Classical. Additionally, we provide bus transportation to students living within two miles of the school at a cost of $200/family for the year. Student bus information automatically rolls forward to the next year and families will receive an email by mid-August with bus stop information for that school year. Complete the form below if you need changes made to your current bus transportation (new rider, no longer riding, move to a new address, etc.).

Silent Dismissal (Grades K-5)

In an effort to streamline our dismissal process as well as increase safety, we use a program called Silent Dismissal for our end of day dismissal procedure. Click the following links for more information:

Silent Dismissal Parent Letter-August 2024PreviewDownload
Silent Dismissal Frequently Asked Questions 2024PreviewDownload

Student Drop Off and Pick Up

Parking and traffic around Nova Classical can be tricky, particularly at morning drop off and afternoon pick up. For the safety of our students and everyone in the Nova Classical community, please follow the rules of all posted street signs and directions from staff if you are asked to move.

Nova Classical Parking and Driving Map

For the safety of all families, please follow these rules:

  • Pay attention to posted parking signs and do not park in illegal areas. Illegal areas include the bus loading zone, passenger loading zones, driveway entrances to the Nova parking lot, within 20 feet of a crosswalk (marked and unmarked) and any area that indicates no parking. Choose a different space if you’re unsure if you are parked legally.
  • Passenger loading zones are ONLY for quick drop off and pick up. Parking in these areas is prohibited. The driver should remain in the vehicle at all times in the passenger loading zones. If your child(ren) can’t get in and out of the car quickly, please find a place to park instead of using the passenger loading zones.
  • Drop off and pick up for students whose last name begins with the letters A – K is on the Mercer St. (back) side of the building. Drop off and pick up for students whose last name begins with the letters L – Z is on the Victoria Way (front) side of the building. Kindergarten ONLY drop off is done, in person, via the main entrance and pick up via the Kindergarten entrance on the Victoria Way side of the building.
  • Follow the direction of staff members, crossing guards, etc. When crossing the street, use the designated crosswalk on the south side of the building and the unmarked crosswalk on the north side of the building (we are working on getting this painted). Do not cross between buses or parked vehicles. As adults, we are role models for our young scholars and want to make sure they are crossing streets safely by our example.
  • Do not make a U-turn on any of the streets adjacent to Nova. Please drive around the block instead.
  • Do not use your cell phone or any other device that may distract you while driving.

Following these directives will provide for a more efficient drop off/pick up process and ensure our students’ safety as well as that of the larger community. Thank you for your cooperation!

School Fees

Activities – RevTrack

Field Trips – RevTrack

Lunch – Infinite Campus

Scholar Zone – RevTrack

School Events – RevTrack

Spirit Wear – BSN Sports

Transportation – PayPal Invoice

LibraryGo: A Partnership with St. Paul Public Libraries

LibraryGo cards are active and ready to use!

Nova’s LibraryGo partnership with the Saint Paul Public Library (SPPL) grants library access to all our students regardless of where you live. Your student’s card is active and ready to use! Check out the library’s online collections of e-books, e-audiobooks, access online magazines, newspapers and databases from home, or go to one of the library’s 14 neighborhood branches to check out up to 5 library materials including books, CDs, DVDs, and Maker Kits. This program is completely free. The materials do not incur late fees and there is a read-down-the-cost program for fees incurred from lost items.

Go to Your child’s library card number is built using their Nova Lunch PIN number:

Nova’s number (2209190300) + (your child’s 4-digit lunch PIN number)

Password: Your child’s birthday written MMDDYY, for example, January 26, 2012 would be 01262012

Contact Ms. Gabor if you have any questions.

Uniform Assistance: Nova Classical assists families that qualify for educational benefits in purchasing uniform items from Donald’s.  Apply to educational Benefits here.

Uniforms at Nova Classical Academy

Nova Classical Academy utilizes a uniform code and practice that we see as vital to the success of our students and our school as a whole. The purpose of the uniform policy is two-fold. First, it is functional: to focus students’ attention on their work at school rather than their attire and to project a unified school image, which is proper and neat in appearance, reflecting the importance we place on being prepared to learn. Second, it is philosophical: serving as a tool of character development (i.e., developing a sense of simplicity, dignity, and respect; understanding principles and how rules are connected to principles; making prudent decisions, etc.). Uniforms are a means to help all members of the school attend to the mission and vision of the school.

Nova Classical Academy students are expected to be in uniform on a daily basis. Administration may designate non-uniform days such as themed dress-up days or Spirit Wear days. It is the responsibility of the students and their parents to ensure that the student adheres to the uniform expectations. The Administration will develop uniform guidelines that specify what items are appropriate for students at each stage.

Uniform Assistance. Faculty, staff, and administration will work to support students and families in meeting uniform expectations and minimize time away from class attending to uniform related needs.

24-25 Nova Uniform Guidelines FINALPreviewDownload
23-24 Nova Uniform Guidelines Quickview for grade 6-12PreviewDownload
Uniform Assistance Program InstructionsPreviewDownload
Donald's UniformLands' End

Nova Spirit Wear

Click below to visit our School Spirit Wear store.

Shop Nova Classical Spirit Wear

School Supply Lists

Being ready to learn involves being physically and mentally prepared to take in new information and think deeply about ideas and perspectives being discussed. It also involves organizing one’s school supplies to be best prepared for each and every class and the work that is involved with learning and developing one’s understanding. 

Nova Classical Academy offers the EduKit program as a convenient option for busy families to order school supplies for the upcoming school year. EduKits include the supplies approved by your student’s teachers. Early Bird orders provide for FREE shipping and ensure your student’s orders in his/her classroom during Nova’s Open House. The deadline to order is June 24, 2024. Your order also directly supports the initiatives and activities of the Nova PTO throughout the school year. Thank you for your support!

Students and families are also welcome to review the supply lists and purchase individual items as needed. Questions regarding specific supply items can be directed to the Lower or Upper School Office Managers.

K-5 Edukit Online Ordering Here

2024 - 2025 K-Grade 5 Supply Lists.pdfPreviewDownload
2024 - 2025 Grades 6-12 Supply ListsPreviewDownload

School Policies

Section 1 | Legal Authority for Policies, Establishment, & Implementation of Policies

NP 101 | Board AuthorityPreviewDownload
NP 102 | DefinitionsPreviewDownload

Section 2 | Board of Directors, Recruitment, Meetings, Agenda, Committees, Training

NP 201 | Role and ResponsibilitiesPreviewDownload
NP 202 | Expectations and Obligations of Board MembersPreviewDownload
NP 203 | Board MeetingsPreviewDownload
NP 204 | Election of Board MembersPreviewDownload
NP 205 | CommitteesPreviewDownload
NP 206 | Board Orientation, TrainingPreviewDownload
NP 208 | Development, Etc. of PoliciesPreviewDownload
NP 210 | BoD Member Conflict of InterestPreviewDownload

Section 3 | Applications, Admission, and Enrollment

NP 301 | Application and EnrollmentPreviewDownload
NP 303 | Whole Grade AccelerationPreviewDownload
NP 304 | Gifted and Talented ServicesPreviewDownload
NP 305 | Enrollment NumbersPreviewDownload
NP 306 | Enrollment PracticesPreviewDownload
NP 307 | Counting All StudentsPreviewDownload

Section 4 | School Administration

NP 402 | Reporting Unethical or Illegal ActivityPreviewDownload
NP 404 | Background ChecksPreviewDownload
NP 405 | Anti-NepotismPreviewDownload

Section 5 | Curriculum

NP 500 | Personal Electronic DevicesPreviewDownload
NP 501 | CurriculumPreviewDownload
NP 502 | Parental Curriculum ReviewPreviewDownload
NP 502 | Parental Curriculum Opt-Out Form PreviewDownload
NP 503 | Tele-Related ServicesPreviewDownload

Section 6 | Student Life

NP 601 | Gender InclusionPreviewDownload
NP 602 | Racial EquityPreviewDownload

Section 7 | Finance & Budget

NP 701 | Establishment of BudgetPreviewDownload
NP 702 | Fund Balance RequirementsPreviewDownload
NP 703 | FundraisingPreviewDownload
NP 705 | Procurement PolicyPreviewDownload
NP 704 | Electronic Fund TransferPreviewDownload
NP 706 | Acceptance of GiftsPreviewDownload
NP 707 | Health InsurancePreviewDownload

Section 8 | Mandatory Policies

102 | Equal Educational OpportunityPreviewDownload
110 | Data RetentionPreviewDownload
214 | Out-Of-State TravelPreviewDownload
401 | Equal EmploymentPreviewDownload
402 | Disability NondiscriminationPreviewDownload
406 | Public and Private Personnel DataPreviewDownload
406F | Consent to Release-Request from an IndividualPreviewDownload
407 | Employee Right To Know - Hazardous SubstancesPreviewDownload
410 | Family and Medical LeavePreviewDownload
412 | Expense ReimbursementPreviewDownload
413 | Violence and HarassmentPreviewDownload
414 | Mandated ReportingPreviewDownload
417 | Chemical Use and AbusePreviewDownload
418 | Drug-FreePreviewDownload
418F | Acknowledgment to Drug-Free Workplace/Drug-Free SchoolPreviewDownload
419 | Tobacco-Free EnvironmentPreviewDownload
427 | Workload LimitsPreviewDownload
501 | School Weapons PolicyPreviewDownload
502 | Search of StudentPreviewDownload
504 | Student AppearancePreviewDownload
505 | Speech and Distribution of MaterialsPreviewDownload
505 | FormsPreviewDownload
506 | Student DisciplinePreviewDownload
506F | Reporting Form—Student DisciplinePreviewDownload
514 | Bullying ProhibitionPreviewDownload
515 | Protection and Privacy of Student RecordsPreviewDownload
Public Notice Regarding Policy 515PreviewDownload
515 | FormDownload
516 | Student MedicationPreviewDownload
516.5 | Overdose MedicationPreviewDownload
519 | Interviews of Students by Outside AgenciesPreviewDownload
521 | Student Disability NondiscriminationPreviewDownload
522 | Title IX PolicyPreviewDownload
522F | Reporting Form—Student Sex NondiscriminationPreviewDownload
524 | Internet Acceptable UsePreviewDownload
524F | Agreement form—Internet Acceptance Use and SafetyPreviewDownload
526 | Hazing ProhibitionPreviewDownload
531 | Pledge of AllegiancePreviewDownload
532 | Use of Peace OfficersPreviewDownload
533 | Wellness PolicyPreviewDownload
534 | Unpaid Meal ChargePreviewDownload
609 | Religion and Religious and Cultural ObservancesPreviewDownload
614 | School District TestingPreviewDownload
709 | Student Transportation SafetyPreviewDownload
709F | Student Transportation FormPreviewDownload
801 | Equal Access to School FacilitiesPreviewDownload
801F | Use of Facilities FormPreviewDownload
806 | Crisis ManagementPreviewDownload
807 | Health and SafetyPreviewDownload

Other Policies

Parent Guardian Guide and Refusal for Student Participation in Statewide TestingPreviewDownload
FERPA Notice-Nova Classical AcademyPreviewDownload

Digital Tools: Software Inventory and Student Data Elements

Tool Name General Topic Data Elements Terms of Service (external link ) Privacy Policy (external link ) Grade Levels
Adobe Collaboration, Productivity Student Email, Student Name VIEW TERMS VIEW POLICY K-12
Apple Classroom Management Student Name,  Student Email,  Student Grade,  School,  Course Enrollments,  Application usage VIEW TERMS VIEW POLICY
Canva Graphic Design Student Name, Student Email, Student Grade VIEW TERMS VIEW POLICY 3-12
FastBridge (a product of Illuminate Education) Assessment and Feedback Student Name, Student Email, Student Grade, Assessment Data, Application Usage VIEW POLICY PK-12
GoGuardian Filtering Student Name, Student Email, Student Grade, School, Course Enrollments, Assessment Data, Application Usage VIEW TERMS VIEW POLICY K-12
Google Workspace for Education Collaboration, Productivity Student Name, Student Email, Student Grade, School, Course Enrollments, Assessment Data, Application Usage VIEW TERMS VIEW POLICY K-12
Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Online Curriculum Student Name, Student Email, Student Grade, School, Course Enrollments, Assessment Data, Application Usage VIEW TERMS VIEW POLICY PK-12
Infinite Campus Student Information System Student Name, Student Email, Student Grade, School, Course Enrollments, Grades, Discipline, Birthdate, Address, Guardians, Health Information, Student Identity, Attendance VIEW POLICY PK-12
IXL School Achievement Student Name, Student Email, Student Grade, School, Course Enrollments, VIEW TERMS VIEW POLICY K-12
LearnPlatform Edtech Managment: Data Privacy Vetting and ROI VIEW TERMS VIEW POLICY K-12
McGraw-Hill Online Curriculum Student Name, Student Email, Student Grade, School, Course Enrollments, Application Usage VIEW POLICY K-12
Microsoft – Office 365 ( Collaboration, Productivity Student Name, Student Email, Student Grade, School, Course Enrollments, Assessment Data, Application Usage VIEW TERMS VIEW POLICY PK-12
Pearson (a list of their products by acronym) Assessment and Feedback Student Name, Student Email, Student Grade, School, Course Enrollments, Assessment Data, Application Usage VIEW TERMS VIEW POLICY K-12
Raptor Emergency Notification System VIEW TERMS VIEW POLICY PK-12 Content Creation Student Name, Student Email, Student Grade VIEW TERMS VIEW POLICY 6-12
Skyward Student Information System Student Name, Student Email, Student Grade, School, Course Enrollments, Grades, Discipline, Birthdate, Address, Guardians, Health Information, Student Identity, Attendance VIEW POLICY PK-12
SpedForms Special Education Documentation Student Name, Student Email, Student Grade, School, Course Enrollments, Grades, Discipline, Birthdate, Address, Guardians, Health Information, Attendance VIEW POLICY PK-12
Tyler Technologies – Traversa Transportation Student Name, Student Email, Student Grade, School, Course Enrollments, Birthdate, Address, Guardians, Health Information, Student Identity, Attendance VIEW TERMS VIEW POLICY PK-12